Our Mind Is Wonderful – Learn More About Our Capabilities

Our mind is wonderful - Learn more about our capabilities

Our mind has always been the subject of countless questions and researches about how much we use its capacity, and how much it has to offer us to expand its use. This has been going on since man was created, and we will certainly continue these inquiries and researches for an unspecified time.

We always hear that we use only 10% of our brain capacity, an interpretation made by British scientist Karl Lashley.  This does not apply to everyone, as we know the history of humanity with its extraordinary advances, which makes clear the use of a capacity above that mentioned. Today we enjoy comfortable living conditions in all fields, thanks to the scientific discoveries of wonderful minds.

Albert Einstein and the theory of relativity, Marie Curie, the first woman to receive the Nobel Prize in Physics for her research in the field of radioactivity, Nikola Tesla, inventor of modernity, with great contributions in the field of electromagnetism, Osvaldo Cruz, scientist, physician and Brazilian bacteriologist, Stephen Hawking, one of the most recognized scientists of today among so many other names who used the maximum of their brain capacities to go beyond their limits and prove to everyone that it is possible for us to explore our minds beyond the obvious.

develop the mind

Are these capacities for expanded use of the mind reserved only for a privileged few? Are your minds given more space than ours? Computer neuroscientists estimate that the human mind has a storage capacity of between 10 and 100 terabytes. Paul Reber, a professor of psychology at Northwestern University in the United States, says that the brain has tons and tons of space, so we don’t have to worry about using it. The Chinese Chao Lu, who was 24 years old, recited the 67,980 digits of the number Pi for a period of 24 hours, without intervals, correctly, proved the space and capacity of the human mind.

We can all train the mind to express the capacities we have and are dormant

Mind power

Nelson Dellis, champion of a memory tournament in the United States, stated that he was a person who easily forgot everything, but after weeks of training with memorization exercises, he started to do and remember things that he had previously thought impossible for him.

For Allen Snyder, director of the Center of the Mind in Australia, the human being has an inner genius that, if the right technique is used, will reveal itself.

The mind is so wonderful and partnering that it automatically puts us on alert in the face of danger, giving us commands on how to act, warning us with signs in the body or even intuitive ones if we have a disease so that we can provide a defense, sends solutions for the most diverse situations that we live, this only enjoying the automatic configuration. So, if we start exploring it without fear of using space, but committing ourselves to using it well, we can go far beyond where we are at the moment, thus doing good to us and the world by expanding our potentials.

It won’t do us much good to buy a Ferrari and drive at reduced speed, or even know how to use its controls. It’s a waste. Not using our mind to its full potential is also like that. Use it, it is running out of use for which it was programmed. Think about it with love!…

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