Prevent Your Unconscious Past From Dominating Your Future

Keep your unconscious past from dominating your future

More than 100 years ago, when Sigmund Freud began to work on the unconscious, human beings undertook a path to research this shadow that we all carry, with a mysterious and invisible aspect. It is not possible to see or touch it; if anyone wants to know something about it, they can find it through random associations. Usually, when we hear from him, it’s to put your hands to your head soon after realizing the unpleasant consequences of his tenure.

“You are not you, you are not what you want to be… you are your unconscious”.

This is how we have learned that the unconscious is the manipulator of our lives, and we continue to train in the art of being the puppet.

Neurologists have figured out where he lives: his home is in what is called the third brain (we’ll leave the anatomical aspect for another article), and thanks to him we can do things as spectacular as driving a car without exhausting ourselves with everything we have to think about. at the same time (speed, car on the right, on the left, person crossing the street, feet, hands, sounds, sight, etc.). We can also walk and talk at the same time, without having to think about muscles to move and take a step, and we can even breathe without even being aware of it. Thank you unconscious!!!!

Anyway, when people find themselves with unpleasant results in life, a product of their own actions, a very common excuse is precisely to resort to the unconscious: “it happens that I did it unconsciously” , “it came out of their unconscious “, “what you want me to do? It’s unconscious!” etc. Of course… each one seems to be the victim of his own uncontrollable unconscious, speaking ill of a distant past he no longer remembers.

The advantage of this attitude is that the person disconnects from responsibility and its negative consequences, after all,  was the unconscious. A cataract of apology springs from the impotence of being at his mercy. How is it possible to do something if the unconscious dominates us from the past where it was formed?

The past doesn’t equal the future

It is true that 95% or more of mental work and our perception is unconscious or at least not conscious. It is true that we are conditioned by a past that has cultivated the mental programs of the present, but it is a lie that the past will invariably determine the future.

The decision to create a future different from the unconscious conditioning is up to everyone.  It is not there to stop us and take away our responsibility to plan or change our future, or to tell us what we can and cannot. It is with us to help us with the incredibly complex and exhausting nervous system. Therefore, using the unconscious as a pretext for not changing is giving up or giving up any challenge that implies the dream of personal overcoming.  This overcoming is nothing more, nothing less than leaving our past conditioning behind and grasping the future we want to create.

The unconscious can be changed; this has already been scientifically demonstrated, as the brain is a constantly changing organ. However,  these modifications must be voluntary, and there is nothing and no one who can help us with this task. By consciously training several times what has been decided as desired, in the long run the future does not have to be the same as our past.

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