Protect Your Psychological Health In The Face Of News Of Violence

Protect your psychological health from news of violence

We cannot remain indifferent to news of violence from all over the world. Showing interest and feeling saddened by the horror of violence is natural and, in some ways, necessary.

Just as it is necessary to understand what needs to change to make our planet a better world, it is equally important to select the type, quality and quantity of information we receive.

Watching the TV news or hearing about violence can make us sad or angry. We cannot allow these negative feelings to take over our lives: difficult situations require complex solutions and reflections.

We cannot remain indifferent to what happens around us, but we have the right to maintain a certain distance from negative facts. Don’t forget that only in this way can you do something, and that something can be very big. In fact, it would be great for everyone to do something, as this is the only way to change the world. It all starts with you, everyone must do their part.

Here we will describe a series of guidelines so that you can learn to psychologically protect yourself from news of violence without ignoring it.

Manage well the time you spend watching news of violence

Experts warn: watching TV or surfing the internet for more than 6 hours a day reading about violence in all parts of the world increases the risk of psychological problems even if we are not direct victims.

For example, someone who witnesses a situation of violence, although not the person who directly suffers the aggression, may develop symptoms of “post-traumatic stress” to a greater or lesser degree.


It will not have the same risk as the victim, but it depends on your personal characteristics and personal relationship with situations of violence (you may have experienced something similar in the past).

If you believe this affects you, stop watching news or images of overt violence. And even if you think it doesn’t affect you, be aware that in the long run this may develop into a problem, although you’re not currently aware of it. We can notice a certain sense of dehumanization after watching so many hours of violent content that took place in real life.

Manage how you explain this information to children

The main recommendation is to keep children away from this type of information.  As this is not always possible, you will have to find a way to explain the facts to the child according to their age and what they have already heard about it.

As far as possible, we need to preserve children’s innocence for certain issues in early childhood. His cognitive and emotional capacity is not yet prepared to understand such complex news of violence.

An older, more mature child may be confused and ask for more explanations. Try to explain clearly taking into account the following aspects:

Clear and simple language : do not go into details and emphasize messages with a human and universal vision such as: “Violence should never be used, but unfortunately some people act that way”, “The world is a pleasant place although often bad things happen”, etc.

Neutralize unpleasant information with something other than one: a good option is to read the positive news happening in the world with your child, watch videos or animated shorts that explain universal values ​​in an amusing way.

Make your environment as less violent as possible : we have to protect children from violence, as it is at this stage that many behaviors that occur in adult life are internalized.

meditate and disconnect

Meditating every day puts us in the present and mindful of what we are doing. We release all negative feelings and can continue to work and carry out our activities calmer and more focused.


Choose quality readings and movies

We can all issue opinions and judgments influenced by surprise, an emotional reaction or ignorance. When news makes an impact, it is the perfect time to find out about it, read about similar situations that have happened throughout history, learn about the origin of the conflict and what it has in common with many others.

Knowledge is a person’s or a people’s most powerful weapon to confront radicalism. A radicalism is not resolved with another, but it feeds it.

Do your part

If you seek to improve your life and your attitude towards others, you will not only change your life, but you will indirectly improve the world. It’s the best and only way to help.

In your daily life, avoid negative people, don’t allow radicals who are incapable of empathy to affect you. It’s a waste of time and energy. Ask yourself the right questions to get the right answers for your life.

Be more generous, help others as you can, be kind, defend your values, even if you believe that the world no longer has values.

If the world has lost values, it is because people have already lost them. Your mission is not to lose them, encourage them, heal from the inside and transmit them to your environment.


Do volunteer work, collaborate with a campaign

Each of us is touched in some way by the different situations of injustice in the world, some related to violence against animals, others to racism, inequality of women in many countries, corruption, poverty, crime, etc.

From your community, city, neighborhood or at home through the internet, spend some time or offer some financial help to improve these situations. Get involved, fight and spread the word.

Each person is responsible for what they do, not what others do. Don’t make the mistake of saying “this world is lost and has no solution” because you are part of it and unconsciously you will be saying this to yourself. Be concerned about doing your part; improving and correcting your surroundings is the best and only realistic way to improve the world.

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