Quantum Mind: How Can We Transform Our Reality

Quantum Mind: How We Can Transform Our Reality

Beliefs that are rooted in your subconscious influence the interpretation of everything that happens to you, whether outside or inside you. On the other hand, many of these beliefs are erroneous and lead us to have thoughts, emotions and behaviors that are sources of blockage and suffering. Think that we all have the power to transform our reality and even choose the dreams we feed. But to get to that, you first have to understand what the quantum mind is.

All living beings and everything around us (what we believe to be reality) is made up of atoms. Atoms whose interior is largely empty. Also, to understand this article, think about this: Everything physical in your life is not made up of matter, but energy fields or information frequency patterns.

our mind is a quantum mind

Matter is more “nothing” (energy) than “something” (particles). It was once believed that electrons orbit around the nucleus, as planets orbit around the sun. Currently, scientists tell us that the atom is composed of 99.99999% energy and about 0.00001% matter. In proportion, this is almost nothing.

Quantum physicists have discovered that the person observing the infinitesimal particles of the atom affects the conduct of energy and matter.  Quantum experiments have shown that electrons exist as a multitude of possibilities or probabilities in a visible field of energy.

But only when the observer fixes on any location of an electron does that electron appear. In short, a particle cannot manifest itself in reality, that is, in space-time as we know it, until it is observed. So, when the observer “searches” for an electron, there is a concrete point in space and time where all of the electron’s possibilities collapse into a physical event.

With this discovery, mind and matter can no longer continue to be considered separately ; they are intrinsically linked, because the subjective mind exerts perceptible changes in the subjective physical world: we speak of a quantum mind. Think that if at the subatomic level energy responds to your attention and becomes matter, how would your life change if you learned to direct the observer effect and collapse infinite waves of probability into the reality you desire? Would you be a better observer of the life you want to live?

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The Power of Our Quantum Mind: Thoughts and Feelings

By nature, everything in the physical universe is made up of subatomic particles like electrons. These particles are in a wave state (energy, remember it’s 99.99999%) while not being observed. Potentially they are “all” and “nothing” until they are observed. They exist everywhere and nowhere until they are observed.

Therefore, everything that exists in our physical reality exists as pure potential. If subatomic particles can exist simultaneously in a multitude of possible places, we are potentially able to collapse into a multitude of possible realities. That is, if you can imagine a future event in your life based on your desires, this reality already exists as a possibility in the quantum field waiting for you to observe it. If your quantum mind is able to influence the appearance of an electron, in theory it can also influence the appearance of any possibility.


Our thoughts and feelings are no exception in all of this. Both thoughts and feelings have an electromagnetic signal. Our thoughts send an electrical signal to the quantum field. Thus, our feelings would have the power to “magnetically attract” situations in life. By putting this together, what we think and what we feel produces a state of being that generates an electromagnetic imprint, which in turn influences every atom in our world. This event makes us wonder: what am I transmitting (consciously and unconsciously) in everyday life?

There are a multitude of possible electromagnetic marks (of intelligence, wealth, freedom, health…) that already exist as an energy frequency pattern. If by changing your way of being (that is, changing your beliefs and thus changing your thoughts, emotions and behaviors), you will create a new electromagnetic field that coincides with this potential in the quantum field of information, it is possible that you have encountered this situation when you were attracted to it or that the situation found you? Everything indicates that this is a very likely hypothesis given the current knowledge of physics.

But for this to happen, you have to be aware of all those beliefs that are in the subconscious and that cause you blocks.  For example, you consciously want to have money, but your conscious mind gives the opposite order: since you were little you have seen and heard that money is very difficult to get and that rich people are arrogant. This signal is what your subconscious mind sends to the quantum field, and that’s why you don’t attract money into your life. It would be necessary to unlock this type of belief, as change requires consistency.

mask woman

the coherence principle

Coherence starts by aligning thoughts and feelings. How many times have you tried to create something, believing in your quantum mind that you could do it, while your heart told you otherwise? What result did that incoherent signal you were sending produce?

A signal waves are much more powerful when they are coherent, and so is when your thoughts are in line with your feelings. When your clear, goal-centered thoughts are accompanied by a strong emotional implication, you transmit a more powerful electromagnetic signal that attracts a possible reality that matches the one you desire.

You may want abundance in your life, have thoughts of being rich, but if you feel poor and following the assumptions we are discussing in this article, you will not attract abundance into your life. Why not? Because thoughts are the language of the brain, and feelings are the language of the body. You are thinking one thing and feeling something else entirely. And when there is no such coherence, the body fails to respond in a coherent way. Think of yourself as having enormous power to create the reality you inhabit.

Editorial note : the theory presented in this article regarding the psychological part does not currently have a solid experimental basis to support it. What is proven is that our way of thinking, through phenomena such as self-fulfilling prophecy, has a strong impact on the reality that we configure with our behavior, albeit indirectly.

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