Sometimes You Have To Move On, As If Nothing Had Happened…

Sometimes you have to move on, as if nothing had happened...

Sometimes it is necessary to move forward, not as an option, but as an obligation. An indisputable psychic link. The fusion of a luminous and resistant material that must cover our heart to allow us to move forward, as if nothing could take away our hope, as if no one was so powerful to take away the opportunity to be happy once again.

We’ve all been through this, we’ve all been stuck at a specific time in our lives. When that happens, our universe gets distorted, we get lost and out of tune, anchored in a strange, suffocating dimension. We know very well that anything that stands still or clings to something deteriorates, just as stagnant water starts to smell bad.

When we go through difficult and adverse times, there is a part of our brain that encourages us to move forward. It is the voice of logic, the one that lines up with what those closest to us tell us when they try to encourage us and care about us: give us the best support and the best words. However, there is another part of our brain that is resistant to change and is completely linked to the painful events that took your calm, and above all, the feeling of security.

Moving away from something or someone, giving up everything that identifies us as a job or a friendship, puts us on a high alert. A complex situation that needs to be managed properly, meticulously and wisely.

In addition to removing all this accumulation of negative emotions that torment us, it is convenient to understand this emotional knot beforehand in order to understand and unravel it. A situation so complex that, if we can control it and decipher it, it will give us the necessary impetus to understand that we need to move forward.

Communication difficulties

Forward is the only valid option

Sometimes we underestimate the wonderful capacity for resilience and overcoming that each one of us has inside, inside our hearts. An indestructible rough diamond capable of lighting our paths. To deepen this idea, it’s worth knowing a little story that, without a doubt, will make us reflect.

The story of a lost message in an ancient library

We’ve all seen the famous poster that reads “Keep Calm and Carry On”. Keeping your cool and moving forward is possibly one of the best-selling messages in the field of personal growth. However, its origin is quite curious. To get to know it, you have to travel to World War II in the British capital, to London in 1940.

The government knew the situation in the UK couldn’t be more complicated. The war was at its worst and German army bombs were regularly hitting cities. They needed defensive instruments, not only related to armaments, but they needed to raise the population’s morale, to feed the famous British phlegm so that the tempers would not disintegrate in this context.

For this, they created several posters to put them on the streets. Thus, several proposals were created such as: “Your Courage, Your Cheerfulness, Your Resolution will bring us Victory” (Your courage, joy and determination will give us victory) and “Keep Calm and Carry On”, (“Keep calm and go ahead”). The latter was the chosen poster and over two million copies were printed. We can say that, for this project, a good part of the general budget was invested.

stay calm and move on

The question is, was this impressive and well-intentioned help of any use? The answer is simple: it wasn’t necessary. These posters never appeared on the streets. Winston Churchill considered them unsuitable because the British did not need paternalistic messages. People already knew full well that the only possible option was to go on, fight and trust. The human being already has this mechanism to draw strength from adversity, resist and advance…

Putting these messages out on the streets would be little more than a joke or a joke. So they hid and hid and destroyed most of them so that no one would find out that they had invested a considerable amount of money in something that was simply not necessary.

In the year 2000 they accidentally found a part of them in an old bookstore. The discovery was so surprising that it didn’t take long for a phrase created several decades ago to become known and popularized…

It is necessary to move forward with enthusiasm and confidence.

Human beings are made of an indestructible material and it is in their genes to resist and persist. However… what can we do when we lose enthusiasm? How to react when we have our feet stuck, our hearts sad and our minds inhabited by negative thoughts?

running man with wolf shadow

Keys to keep going without losing your nerve 

  • Know your emotions.  As we said at the beginning, we must be able to go deeper into this emotional knot, become aware of the negative emotions and understand them, disintegrate them, make them our own and channel them so that, little by little, they lose their intensity.
  • What do you deserve? Think about it, reflect on this question and make a list of what you deserve as a person: being happy, having another opportunity, being freer, taking responsibility for yourself, loving and being loved, achieving success, new goals…
  • See how your feet touch the ground. It may sound silly, but something as simple as feeling our feet touch the ground gives us a sense of security and mobility. We are not stuck, we have the ability to move, to move forward…
  • Practice deep breathing and meditation. Connecting with ourselves and with everything around us is essential. These practices will help us to focus, channel emotions, and make the mind aware of other perspectives.
  • Form a group of resilient people.  Probably among your friends and family, there are people who have been through difficult situations and who, without a doubt, have moved on. Allow yourself to learn from them.
  • Create a mantra. Create a sentence that serves as an incentive and motivation in your daily life. Here are some examples: “I deserve it”, “I am brave”, “Amazing things await me, I am prepared for them”.

Finally, the most important step is missing: building momentum. Moving forward is an act of faith, of trust in yourself and your own resources. Something we can all do to achieve a fuller and more satisfying reality. The reality we deserve.

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