Strengthen Your Self-esteem And Overcome The Inferiority Complex

Strengthen your self-esteem and overcome the inferiority complex

We generally have a tendency to feel less than others. The fear we live in and the publicity that surrounds us makes us feel less beautiful, less intelligent, less fun, etc. If you get carried away by these emotions and all they bring, you will be living a sad life. Strengthen your self-esteem to avoid this.

I know it’s not that easy to do this. It’s not just about getting out of bed one day and saying “ from now on nothing will affect me ”. Well, you can make that decision, but unfortunately things don’t always go our way. So,  build your self-esteem by following these steps and you will see that, little by little, the inferiority complex will leave your life.

Admit that you live with an inferiority complex

I know that acknowledging that you are a victim of an inferiority complex is tricky, but  admitting that you have this problem immediately strengthens your self-esteem. Of course, you will have to keep working on it later, but this is an essential step.

Try to identify when this inferiority complex was born. From these reasons it will be easier to create an attack strategy against what makes you feel inferior.


This will certainly be a very difficult and painful process, but it will give you the keys to defining the best possible path. Don’t be afraid of what you might discover, think that it’s worse to live without accepting and loving yourself just as you are.

Identify the symptoms of the inferiority complex

Whenever you face a situation where your inferiority complex goes off, very specific sensations arise, such as nausea, tremors, excessive sweating, or nerves.

Strengthen your self-esteem by identifying these sensations and taking a minute to analyze them: What situation is this? What does she remind you of? How does it limit your actions? What can you do to continue? Don’t run away from these sensations, they are great because they allow you to recognize that you are facing something real  and guide you to the path that strengthens your self-esteem.

Stop seeing your complex

Strengthen your self-esteem by taking all your attention away from what causes the complex. The vast majority of complexes are born out of physical characteristics that make us feel bad about ourselves, but let me tell you a secret: often what makes us complex is non-existent for others.

Look at the situation from the outside and you will see that this is true. Approach someone with whom you have an excellent relationship and ask if there is something about yourself that makes you complex. You will find that what seems so serious to the person is not too much for you, or else you didn’t even realize it existed. The same can happen in your case.

What you need right now is to give less importance to what you don’t like. Imagine that it doesn’t exist and go about your life normally. At first you’ll need to put in a little effort, but this attitude builds your self-esteem over time.

pay attention to something positive

The more time you spend thinking about what you don’t like and what makes you feel complex, the less willing you are to live life. Go ahead and build your self-esteem with activities you like. If you currently don’t have any hobbies, it’s time to find one.

bicycle woman with red balloons

Find new passions like athletics, or practice old habits like painting, or just hang out with your friends. Your complexes will be as important as you allow them to, so don’t let them affect your daily life. Have you ever thought that maybe this “flaw” that seems so serious to you is seen as a characteristic that makes you unique in the eyes of others?

Strengthen your self-esteem

The worst thing you can do in your life is stop living because of an inferiority complex. You are an interesting person, with many qualities that can contribute something to those around you. Don’t close yourself off to life or stop getting along with others just because you don’t like something about yourself. We all have flaws that we don’t like, but the secret to a happy life is learning to live with them.

Strengthen your self-esteem for yourself. Remember, the only person who decides how you live your life is you. Prefer to hide or live fully? I would recommend choosing the second option and living each day as if it were your last.

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