The Danger Of Good Intentions

The danger of good intentions

Sometimes, many of the good intentions we have are empty if they are not accompanied by actions that make them a reality.  Other times, it’s better to just stick to the good intentions rather than move directly to action: we can foresee an inappropriate consequence that’s deterrent enough to ward off action.

Although many good wishes are carried out by thinking about what is best for the other person, it is possible that the end result is not what was expected. We often make decisions based on feelings and, laden with naivete, we think that anything is possible if it is done from the heart.

However, things do not always go as we would like them to. Despite good wishes, our actions can  do a lot of damage. Before we act, it is useful to reflect  on what we will do, whether we have the necessary capacity to take such action, and what consequences may arise after the action is taken.

When the act is worse than the intention

Despite the continuous messages we receive, such as “To achieve something you only need to dream” or “Nothing is impossible” , the truth is that there are things that we cannot achieve just by wishing.

If good intentions are not accompanied by the necessary knowledge, they can turn out to be dangerous. The decisions we make can influence both ourselves and the people we love, and without the intention of harming them, they can end up being harmful.

Dunning-Kruger Effect

The well known Dunning-Kruger effect   comes to say that the less we know something, the more we believe we know. Thus, people who have little knowledge about a specific area can feel competent without being aware of their great ignorance. Many psychologists are tired of hearing, “I know more about psychology than you, even though I didn’t go to college.”


The same can happen with the actions we take or advice we give to others, thinking it is best for them. Family, friends or strangers who build their business solely on the pillars of good intentions, without noticing the knowledge, are usually sealing their failure.

stuck in our ideas

When someone only looks in one direction, it’s hard to open their eyes to other horizons. Conflicting ideas do not get along, cause discomfort, and are not well received in our minds. For this reason, we tend to discard a perspective, accommodating reality to the vision that pleases us most.

The effect of cognitive dissonance explains that when a person has two opposite thoughts, for example, “I believe that what I do is good for others” and “Many people say that what I do can be harmful” , they feel bad -being internal that you need to eliminate.


Due to the very functioning of our mind, it is difficult to leave the predetermined ideas that we have. When something contradicts our point of view, the most natural solution is to quickly neutralize it, looking for something that supports our stance or that disqualifies the person proposing the new idea. For some, this “defence exercise” has become such an automatic process that we are not even aware that we are performing it.

The importance of knowledge

Good intentions alone are not enough in many aspects of our lives. When it comes to important issues such as health and well-being,  positive desires must be accompanied by knowledge and professional ethics.


Although many people approach us with good intentions, remember that sometimes they aren’t enough. Reflecting before you act and seeking an expert opinion can be more beneficial than letting yourself be guided by words that are very beautiful but are also seductive and dangerous.

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