The Skills Of A Successful Professional

The Skills of a Successful Professional

What really marks the path to success and good results can be a mixture of several factors. Experts say that professional skills are not the most important factor in achieving a particular goal, but “soft skills”.   For example, when someone participates in a job interview, the “hard” skills are the ones that get that first date, but the “soft” ones are the ones that can define whether you will be hired or not.

What’s the difference between hard and soft skills?

With regard to the professional sphere, “hard” skills are all those skills that are linked to the job or the sector itself, which allow for success in a given task. If we use the technology sector as an example, it would be the programming language and how to put it into practice. If it’s in the field of literature, it would be language and the ability to convey feelings and thoughts.

However, you are likely to wonder why thousands of programmers or writers have failed in their careers and others who are not so talented manage to achieve success and recognition?

We find the answer in “soft skills”, that is, abilities or characteristics that range from our work habits to social performance, self-knowledge, leadership and emotional control. These are skills that complement the “hard ones”, but that make the difference when achieving the so longed for and sought after success. They can be present in all people, even if not many people know how to take proper advantage of them.

How to take advantage of “soft” skills?

The skills, behaviors, or habits that differentiate you from others are soft skills. That is, what distinguishes you from your peers, colleagues and competitors. You can use them when getting a job, getting a promotion, solving a conflict, undertaking a project, or connecting with others.

Nowadays, the big companies of the world not only want to hire a competent professional, but also someone who demonstrates their values, their energy, their commitment and their efficiency in any field. You may have dozens of degrees, degrees or certificates and never achieve the success or job you want. Why? Because you still need to work or study your soft skills.

What are the skills that allow us to succeed?

1 – Social skills: As mentioned before, you can be the most competent in theory, but if you are not able to pass on your knowledge to others, it will be difficult to get very far. Successful professionals are those who are able to understand what motivates a group and are able to connect with others emotionally. This means that he adds value to his colleagues, not just his knowledge. Think of the best teacher you’ve ever had at university or in another course: did he stand out for the amount of knowledge he passed on or for his qualities as a person?

2 – Openness to receive criticism: it is common knowledge that no one likes to be criticized, especially when we believe we are perfect or very good at what we do. Even more so when it comes to work. Being open to different opinions or perspectives is fundamental to achieving professional success. Keep in mind that the best advice can come from the one you least expect, that person who is not an expert in the same field as you and doesn’t even have a dozen certificates hanging on the wall, but is able to see in a more interesting and objective way than you. Don’t get defensive when receiving criticism  because it will doom you to failure. Learn to listen and silently appreciate criticism and, if possible, change course.

3 – Productive habits: there are several customs that stimulate productivity, such as following a routine or walking with an agenda. Most of the most competent professionals don’t let anything affect their organization, set their alarms to notify them of the next meeting, are punctual and elaborate a daily work routine that leaves no room for distractions. For rest, entertainment and other personal matters, the hours when we leave the office or company remain. Don’t forget to get enough sleep, eat well, relax, don’t take the hassles of work home, and make a break on the way when you need to. This is also part of a productive habit. If you are tired, it will yield less.

4 – Integrity: first of all, you have to be honest with yourself, recognize your mistakes in time (which is not synonymous with digging your own grave, nor getting you fired). Many companies prefer these types of values ​​over employee skills or technical skills. They prefer those who can accept that they made mistakes so as not to make the same mistakes again, or even those who have the courage to say “I don’t know” or “I don’t understand”. Humility is another characteristic highly valued by multinational companies today. So, to be successful you need to be honest, objective, responsible and trust your project.

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