There Are People I Miss, But I Don’t Want Them Back

There are people I miss but I don't want them back

Maybe you miss and remember some people but don’t want them back in your life. This feeling is usually shared among people who have been part of our lives but with whom we end up creating dysfunctional relationships.

After all, a dysfunctional relationship turns out to be negative and destructive to our evolution and development (ie, that it is or was emotionally, cognitively, and behaviorally inadequate). It may be difficult for us to identify how the relationship has affected our lives, and we may even be able to see some of the relationship’s inadequacy, but it’s not entirely clear to us what points we failed in our exchanges.
Do you know this feeling? Suddenly you remember someone… maybe you even want to look for that person, to find out how she is doing and to try to recover some moment or feeling that this relationship gave you. Even so, you hold back because you know that nothing positive can actually be added to your life right now. There is not even something to guarantee that it will be the same, it never will be, time had already helped to change everything until it was no longer useful.
So in this article we’ll go over some of these issues and we’ll discuss whether it’s normal to miss and remember some people even though we don’t want them back… We’ll look at this in more detail below.
wet petals

The value of the reminders and warnings they give us

Every now and then we need to alleviate the heartache that the absence of someone we once wanted so well produces, but who has left our lives either because we decided to prioritize our well-being, or because the situation got to the point where it exploded, or simply by separate paths guided by the passing of life.

In other words, yes, feeling homesick but not wanting something or someone to be present in our daily lives is as normal as it is healthy. Why? Among many reasons why it helps us determine and make us aware of what is really good for us.

We may remember an old love, an old friendship, or someone with whom we had a relationship that could have been but wasn’t. Why invalidate our feelings and our nostalgia? Not doing this is the first step: remembering and missing it is perfectly understandable.


Sensations and emotions, a healthy containment wall

Maybe this relationship brought us something that was gratifying for us, material or not, and so it’s normal that it stays in our memory and that we miss everything that was good. However, if we balance the positive and the negative, sometimes the balance is tipped to the second side, which also deserves our recognition.

We must say at this point that each person and each relationship often has its time and space, its own evolution and phases that follow. That’s the way it is and that’s not bad, as we’ve repeated so far, it’s something natural.
In this sense, we become aware that perhaps this person with whom we connect for so long in our life cycle, or even for a short time, would be inadequate for us today, as it would bring us problems, perhaps even unsolvable, with which we would have to to lead.
The hypothetical situations that we could comment on are infinite and as varied as the number of people and moments that exist. Therefore, at this point, we invite you to reflect and deeply explore the sensations you have with nostalgia, which trigger memories of a distant relationship. If they’re good, if they’re bad, which way the scales weigh.

Toxic relationships that actually aren’t

We are used to giving the qualification of “toxic person” to all the people who caused us to suffer in some way. When these people appear in our memories, they torment and surprise us by showing us that we lack something negative, toxic or poisonous to ourselves. However, as we’ve said so far, there are many shades of color in relationships besides black and white.

Each person and each relationship brings us something, even if it’s something we end up seeing as a bad thing. In this regard, we must understand that all learning is valid and adds something to us, even if the relationship has created some vacuum at some point in our lives.

Let’s not forget that the people who nurture our souls are not just those we stay with forever, because everything has its time and place to happen, even if in the end it’s only in our memories and memories.

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