To Find Happiness, There Are Some Things We Must Let Go Of

There are many thoughts and memories that we carry over the years that prevent us from moving forward. Discover the importance of letting them go in order to achieve proper personal development.
To find happiness there are some things we must let go

How can we let go of what weighs on us? Imagine that you are taking a walk and carrying a backpack full of things. Your back starts to hurt; you stop and open it to see what’s inside. You notice that there are lots of objects you don’t need and get rid of them immediately. How do you feel now? Much lighter! You will be able to take many steps without getting tired and go very far on your path to finding happiness.

Something similar happens with the feelings and attitudes that accumulate over the years. The moment you learn to eliminate everything you don’t need, you will begin to walk through life in a different, happier and freer way. Do you dare to let go of certain things that aren’t good for you? Get started ASAP! You can’t imagine how good it feels to travel around the world without baggage.

Abandon the attitudes that hinder your growth

Among the things you should try to let go of are all the things that do n’t help you relate to others or be good to yourself. All of these attitudes limit you and prevent you from moving forward in your growth both with others and with yourself.

First, let go of  the need to always be right. Start with something difficult! It’s possible that you can’t support the idea of ​​being wrong and that will get you into a lot of trouble with the people you love. If your ego is bigger than the desire to get along with your partner, your parents or your friends, reframe that feeling and throw it away!

hand dropping birds

On the other hand, it would be good to eliminate the desire to control everything, especially what happens around you. Allow others to “be” as you pretend to be. Nor is it necessary to look for the culprits or those responsible where they don’t exist. It’s easier to point your finger at what’s next to you, but it’s very difficult to lower your head and say “I did it.” Contrary to popular belief, this is not being cowardly but courageous.

Also, let go of that need that drives you by wanting to impress everyone. You cannot pretend to be something that is not just to be loved by others. Trying to please the people around you will actually fill you with bad friends who will leave you the first problem you have. The same applies to your partner, work or whoever you want. From the moment you take off the mask and speak the truth, you will keep those who are truly worth your while by your side.

Push away the heavy thoughts to find happiness

So far, we’ve talked about some attitudes you should release towards others, but of course there’s a lot to work with when it comes to ourselves. What weighs most heavily on us on our journey are negative and self-destructive thoughts.

With your way of thinking, you are avoiding success and failing to progress and learn. Do not believe 100% what appears in your mind, especially what is pessimistic and what hurts you. Don’t forget that the brain can be used for good or for bad…

In turn, you must eliminate the belief that you are not good for doing this or that. There is nothing as impossible to achieve as you think. Nothing and nobody (not even you) can stop you from being happy and fulfilling your dreams. Spread your wings and fly. Do what allows you to be a better person and get closer to your goals. Remember that you can be your worst enemy if you don’t trust your abilities.

Resistance to change is another one of the best things to remove from your heavy backpack. So you can go on your way to finding happiness with much more ease. Changes are good, even if you think otherwise. Get out of your comfort zone, don’t settle for the minimum… you deserve the maximum! Don’t resist the different. Try it and many doors will open for you.

Woman in profile surrounded by balloons

Let go of the fear, the excuses and the past

These three feelings or thoughts are very heavy and useless for you. Fear involves thinking that something bad is going to happen to you, so you dare not continue. If you are afraid, you are more likely to fail. As Franklin Roosevelt said, “The only thing we should be afraid of is fear itself,” because it is limiting and keeps us from moving forward.

Excuses are just a shield for not accepting what happens to you. It could be because you don’t dare, because you’re worried about the future, because you’re not entirely sure of your abilities, etc. Excuses are often self-made, and they are not true. Don’t get stuck in a place “because it’s raining”, “because I don’t know how to do it”, “because I’m going to fail”, etc.

Finally, the past, that scourge that weighs so heavily on us. Usually we don’t remember those beautiful events of the previous days, but the bad ones, the ones that left very deep marks. The past has to be ignored because focusing so much on it doesn’t allow you to see today, let alone tomorrow. Finally, I share with you a beautiful phrase from Lao Tzu: “Letting it flow, everything comes. The world is for those who let go. When you try, everyone ends up winning”.

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