Today Is The First Day Of The Rest Of Your Life

Today is the first day of the rest of your life

The “today” is a gift, that’s why it is called a “gift”. In addition to these phrases that we’ve heard thousands of times, it’s good to reflect a little bit about the time we have left, and how we’re going to make the most of it. Of course, we don’t know when we are going to leave this world, so we need to try to be better every day. How about we make today the first day of the rest of our lives?

That’s right, today is the beginning of your new life; it is time to leave the mistakes behind and learn from them. Today is the beginning of a wonderful future, full of joy. You just have to make an effort to forget about everything you’ve been through and start over.

today is the most important

Excessive past or future prevents us from being happy in the present. We cannot change what has already happened and what will happen is a mystery. If we think about today we will be much happier. Let’s try?


“Tomorrow I will start the diet”. “Next week I’ll talk to my friend.” “When I graduate, I will have time to exercise” . All these promises of the future are excuses for our laziness today.

It’s true that the day has only 24 hours and we don’t have time to do everything we want. But perhaps it is time for us to look at what our priorities are and give them the due importance.

Think like today is your last day

What would you do if for some reason you found out that today is your last day? Who would you visit? What words would you say? How would you feel? I suggest you do this daily exercise to make the best use of your time and not to get depressed.

Don’t wait tomorrow to apologize, say “I love you” or give a hug. Today is the best time for reunions, unspoken words and unthought-of actions. If you don’t do it now, when else? Don’t miss this opportunity, don’t wait to do it in the future because we know it’s very uncertain.

Today is the first day of the rest of your life

At the very moment when you realize how wonderful it is to live in the present and not worry about the future or the past, you will appreciate the little things in life more, like the rain, a butterfly flying around you or those minutes when you watch. your child sleeping.

Today is the first day of the rest of your life. This phrase is an ode to plenitude, to freeing yourself from the shackles and doing only what is good for you. Resentments, hatred, resentment and depression are feelings that weigh heavily on the shoulders and heart. In this decision to live today, let go of the feelings that bother you and walk freely.


Don’t be afraid of the present. He is your greatest gift and no one can take that away from you. It doesn’t matter what age you are; whether it’s in the dawn or twilight of your life. Enjoy everything around you no matter how small.

You always have the possibility to start over. From today on, become the person you always wanted to be; be your own hero. Seize opportunities to become a better person and don’t forget to smile, thank, love and forgive.

Today is the most important day of your life, the first day of a new era. It’s the ideal time to become a new person, full of good intentions and without any pressure, bad feelings and ties to the past.

As you walk, pay attention to the path, your shoes and the landscape around you. Do not turn your head to look at what you have left behind or use binoculars to look into the future. Follow step by step to achieve everything you want. And please don’t forget that today is the beginning of a better life; it’s the first day of your new life.

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