What Color Is Your Personality?

What color is your personality?

Our daily reality is surrounded by a wide range of colors. And within this spectrum, we are accompanied by a few others. It may be that you do this without realizing it. Or it may be that you are very aware that shades are the ones that are always with you and represent your personality.

Intense, cold and sober colors that somehow permeate our lives through our clothes, the color of our car, the paint on the walls of our house, in makeup and in objects that we intuitively incorporate around us in our favorite colors . But why do we like certain colors? What color is your personality?

Colors and personality

At first glance, this may seem like bullshit, a joke with no scientific value. But, in fact, it should be said that the study of colors and personality has an extensive bibliography about it, especially carried out by various psychology and marketing companies.  They try to ask, for example, how certain colors influence when buying, when choosing certain products and not others, or how to favor certain feelings through certain colors. There is an intense suggestive world to discover.

We need to take into account that colors are part of a luminous spectrum and, as such, they emanate certain types of energies depending on their wavelength. Imagine, for example, how you would feel when entering a room painted exclusively in black. Or how it feels to walk through a room decorated in shades of green or blue. We cannot deny, colors emanate sensations and emotions. So let’s see how they are associated with personality.

– Red: intense, active and very optimistic people. They are usually strong people, with a clear inclination to be competitive at work, with a touch of impulsiveness and a need for control. They are self-assured people, with an open and intense personality, but as a defect, it is worth highlighting precisely their quick impulses, sometimes not very reflective.

– Orange:  you are very sociable, but do you set some limits? Maybe that’s your color. You like to be surrounded by people, but maintain a certain seriousness and balance, you are understandable and very accessible to the people around you.  He usually enjoys sports, movement and taking on small goals on a daily basis. You are not very impulsive, but you would like to start projects that you can feel involved and dreamy about.

– Yellow: very, very creative people. Despite their creativity, they maintain a sense of logic ; it is not an overflowing imagination, but much more rational and practical. They have analytical profiles and are also very critical of themselves, so much so that they tend to be very demanding with the people around them. They control their emotions very well.

– Green:  Relaxed personalities who value, above all, the support of others and want to support them as well. They seek closeness to people  and want to feel safe and loved by having someone with them. They fear being hurt by that independence at times, but they are still vital and positive. Very positive. They are also people who like others to recognize their efforts and actions.

– Blue: balance and inner peace. People who tend to lean towards this tone seek, above all, tranquility and inner peace. They live according to their beliefs and thoughts, not caring what others think or think about them. They don’t change easily, they have an integrity and deep-rooted beliefs that they don’t usually give in to. Strong but relaxed and very balanced personalities.

-Purple: Organized people, very sentimental and, above all, spiritual.  They are very sensitive profiles, however, they do not easily show when they are hurt, they prefer to be silent and not show their emotions at that exact moment. Rather, they reflect and then transfer their thoughts aloud. They reflect, think, seek their inner peace and, in addition, are very open to helping and guiding others. They are usually involved in humanitarian issues.

– Brown:  rooted to the earth, physical and simple. They are people who love the simple and natural life, the comfort of everyday life surrounded by the people they love.

– Gray:  not a negative color at all. Let’s put aside the false saying “grey person” to actually see people who are  balanced, calm and a little conservative, also a little cold and rational, and very rarely will we see them angry. As a defect, its passivity should be highlighted. There are few times that they leave their routine to undertake complex plans.

Certainly, after reading this, you identified yourself with one or more colors. This is common and what we expected. So tell us,  what color is your personality?

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