What Is Wolf Medicine, According To American Indians

What is Medicine of the Wolf, according to the American Indians

The Medicine of the Wolf is a medicine of the soul. It has nothing to do with alternative therapies or other similar practices. It has traditionally been called that because Native Americans believe that close observation of wolves and their behavior helps to heal people’s insides.

North American Indians see the wolf as a sacred animal, a totem. Through several generations, they have been accumulating wisdom about their behavior and this has led them to admire this animal. So much so that they came to the conclusion that imitating the wolves is a way to grow, heal the wounds and have the ability to move forward despite adversity.

In the West we know very little about Wolf Medicine. In fact, in our culture there has been very unfair publicity against these animals. They are rivals in many children’s tales, in which they are portrayed as evil beings. We also have the myth of the “wolf man”, which is fierce and harmful.

Next, we’ll see that this is not quite the case, and that we could learn a lot from this species.

The wolf, a sacred animal for the North American Indians

The wolf is an animal that has a well-defined behavior, or “ritualist”, in several aspects. The first one is that of hierarchies. They are extremely strict between them. The alpha male and alpha female are the undisputed leaders of the group. Unlike what happens in other species, this leader is not the biggest animal, nor the most quarrelsome, but the most intelligent and skillful.

The wolf is neither lonely nor wild, as we were led to believe. They are very sociable animals that always walk in groups. If they do something alone, it’s up to their group. They balance their individuality with their collective sense in a balanced way. They only adopt violence in extreme cases, and prefer to avoid combat or end it as soon as possible. Wolves don’t bite other wolves around the neck; in other words, they don’t kill those of their own kind.

Native Americans say the three great powers of the wolf are stalking, invisibility, and family protection. These animals do not flaunt their ferocity, or their power. They observe, analyze and pass by unnoticed as they do this. They study the terrain, calculate everything. Their enemies don’t see them because they know how to “disappear”. They attack only when necessary and with a strategic plan.

colorful wolf illustration

The Medicine of the Wolf

For North American Indians, the wolf is a guide. We all carry something of the wolf within us, and there are times in life when that brave, shrewd, and prudent spirit must wake up. That’s what Medicine for the Wolf consists of: helping this inner strength and this strategic capacity to face the challenges of life.

indians with wolf

The Indians believe that there are times in life when the wolf spirit becomes a temporary ally. They are those circumstances in which the bold, loyal, generous and free side that exists within us emerges.

The wolf spirit is unyielding and brave. Therefore, it appears as an ally when we decide to do something that we forbade, or forbade us, without a specific reason.

Wolf Medicine is about cultivating and allowing an indomitable force to emerge. Indians think that wolves and witches are always together, and that they feel more comfortable in the dark. This means that our most magical and free side emerges when we are not exposed to the eyes of others.

Under these conditions, we find the solution to the problems and discover the paths that we didn’t see before.

american indian

Awaken the wolf that we have inside us

According to traditions, the first way to wake up the wolf that we have inside us is to be aware of our dreams. The Medicine of the Wolf is, mainly, a reunion with the strength that is in our essence.

The hidden side of each person is expressed through dreams  and, therefore, understanding this dream world is essential for us to know ourselves better and recover the courage of our spirit.

Thus, according to Medicina do Lobo, it is essential that we take time to observe ourselves. Trying to see us as spectators of our own actions. Observing ourselves, without judgment, but trying to see what obstacles remain hidden. What is it that holds our spirit? Fears? Commandments? Past experiences?

What will happen next is action. If we want to do something, we have no reason to expect circumstances to be right, or for things to just happen. Today, right now, we can start working for what we want, and go for it with determination, generosity and loyalty.

According to Medicine of the Wolf, if we adopt this attitude, the spirit of the wolf will be present and will guide us.

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