What To Do When You Feel Unhappy At Work?

What to do when you feel unhappy at work?

Having a job that allows us to earn a living (without losing it) is not always easy. We could say that when an individual is unhappy at work it would be enough to look for another job, but due to the complexities of the market, this step is not so simple either.

All of which would help explain why work-related mental illnesses are becoming more and more common.

Research  like the one published in the journal Research in Economics  shows something fundamental: workers’ personal satisfaction improves an organization’s performance. In other words, a happy worker, who is recognized for his abilities and efforts, represents an important factor for any company.

Yet something so evidently logical seems to have no significant bearing on part of the labor landscape we see before our eyes today.

A large number of organizations belittle the value of their employees to focus solely on results and achieving their goals. There are companies that are based almost exclusively on vertical, rigid, traditional and lacking emotional intelligence leadership.

In case we do not adapt to these inflexible gears, we will be quickly replaced by new people, thus recycling the workforce in an increasingly competitive system.

These dynamics that value productivity more than well-being, and focus on profit rather than exalting the capacity for innovation and valuing the potential of each worker, mean that, currently, the incidence of work-related psychological disorders does not stop increasing.

In fact, the main source of stress in our lives comes from work.

Researches such  as the one published in The Scientific World Journal indicate that unhappiness at work affects our health and changes all our daily habits (food, sleep, leisure, etc.). What can we do in situations like this?

man unhappy at work

I’m unhappy at work (and I’m not the only one)

Being unhappy at work often leads to being unhappy at life as well. A job takes up a great deal of our time and also creates a vision of ourselves, an image that should make us worthy.

Thus, waking up each morning with the preoccupation of having an occupation that generates anxiety, pressure, low motivation and dissatisfaction can plunge us into an unhealthy and even dangerous psychological state.

As a curiosity, in 2017 a study was carried out in the United States to find out the level of personal satisfaction of employees in a large number of companies in the country. The results of this report were very interesting:

  • 75% of workers were looking for new jobs to leave those they occupied.
  • 77% stated that those who were the most skilled and who would add the most to the company were ignored.
  • 44% indicated that the most qualified workers were never taken into account.
  • 55% revealed that their remuneration was not compatible with their performance.

These data show what really happens in a large part of the professional market in many countries. However, let’s look at what causes an individual to become unhappy at work.

woman unhappy at work

Causes for which we are not used to feeling satisfied at work

  • Remuneration. Salary remains the main cause of professional dissatisfaction.
  • Insecurity at work. Currently, the uncertainty of whether or not to keep a job and instability are among the main causes of stress and concern among the population.
  • Types of work. The type of work we do is also very relevant. It may be that it is far below academic training, it may be that we do not identify with it, that it is monotonous, that it submits us to complicated rotating shifts that end up affecting health, and that make it impossible for us to even have any social connection with other workers.
  • Professional environment. This aspect is crucial for us to feel satisfied or not in a job. There are environments characterized by pressure and competitiveness. Scenarios with toxic peers , abusive bosses, etc.
  • Bosses with Null Skills. The leadership of an organization implies the task of knowing how to lead, it implies being able to take advantage of people’s skills, to encourage, to create productive, respectful environments, to know how to innovate, etc. If this doesn’t happen or isn’t encouraged, it’s common to feel unhappy at work.

What can I do if I am unhappy at work?

When an individual is unhappy at work, two things can happen. The first is that he chooses to leave that job. The second, and more common, is to get used to the idea that there is no other possibility than adapting to a thankless occupation in exchange for a salary.

Well then, whether we choose the first or the second proposal, there will always be room for an intermediate third way to reflect on. These are different strategies to improve (as far as possible) our situation:

  • Keep in contact with people within the organization that bring us positivity,  companionship, motivation and positive energy. We must avoid profiles that infect bad mood and negativity.
  • Find out if there is a possibility of taking on another type of work in the same organization, either through promotions or changes to areas with more attractive functions.
  • If we have a boss, director, or other person who is above us and maintains toxic and abusive leadership, we will always try to keep the boundaries. Agreeing or obeying certain things that are humiliating, or that are against our values, is dangerous to our physical and psychological integrity. As far as possible, we will always maintain our own dignity.
  • It is important that, at the end of the day, we know how to disconnect completely. As far as possible, you should avoid taking home pressure, worry and complex professional dynamics.
get to the top at work

Lastly, we must consider certain warnings. Limits that should make us reflect on the idea that, on some occasions, it is better to leave a job than to lose your health.

If our efforts and abilities are ignored, if the environment is toxic and abusive, the pay is negligible, and we realize that this is affecting our lives as a whole, it is better to look for other options. Being unhappy at work is something no one deserves.

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