Your Heart Tells You When It’s Ready To Love

Your heart tells you when it's ready to love

Do you believe in the existence of destiny? And in love at first sight? I don’t know if you agree with the idea that there is only one person for each of us.

What is probably correct is that thoughts like the latter are ways we find to explain to ourselves the simple and usual truth: the moment of meeting a person is very important in determining whether or not they are “for you”.

We don’t want to take the magic out of thinking that fate unites us with our mates, but one thing is clear: our heart informs our mind if it’s ready to love. Nothing else.

When this message comes to our being, a person will enter your life like a ray of sunshine. You will become the person you choose to love.

I will tell a story. When I moved to another country to further my studies and continue to “learn how to live”, my situation was not very good. I didn’t feel like myself and, most importantly, I still hadn’t learned to like myself. My life wasn’t a dream, I wasn’t very comfortable with myself, much less my heart.

But I met the one who is my best friend. He fell in love with me. Feeling that this situation was happening to one of the best people I had ever met in my life made me feel bad.

Do you know why? The fact that I  didn’t know how to love myself didn’t allow me to truly love such an incredible and special person. 

His heart was and is prepared for this. Not mine yet, although I wanted to be anyway.

During this entire stage I felt – and I still feel – powerless, knowing that I cannot love because I am not  yet able to love myself, my heart and my being. And it saddens me that I can lose him for it. 

Perhaps, at another time in my life, things turn out very differently. At the moment, the only thing I can do is feel his love inside me and gradually warm my heart.

From this I learned that love is felt when both people are willing and excited to share it.

Through all of this, I would love for you to understand that it is very important to identify  and  assume for yourself when you reach a suitable point in your life to offer and accept love.

Sometimes we choose to love when we feel vulnerable or scared. We need someone to fill a situation where there’s something we don’t have. This time doesn’t have to be negative, it can also be the appropriate time. In the end,  love is a perfect union between two people. 

It makes you feel full because you feel full, complete.  

Opinions are divergent as to when we can be prepared or not to have a relationship and truly love . And often, this is the worst poison for a relationship: we need to believe that our hearts are ready and that we have just found a person who is also ready.

We do everything we can to make something work that is not yet ready for it.

In my case, I did and I’m still trying to do everything for me to start loving my best friend. Sometimes the emotion I feel is frustrating, as I decided to want to love this person who is so unique, who loves me in such an authentic and extraordinary way.

I won’t deny that I’ve often thought that if it’s not happening, maybe it’s because this isn’t the right time. Certainly even you have thought about your life and your relationships infinite times. But the situation, the time or the moment are not the only elements for love to work or not. The moment is not the whole, but it is part of the whole. 

I was once told that it doesn’t matter what compatibility exists between two people. If you are not feeling well right now or the other person’s life is not better, we cannot love completely.

All of this is not to say that you shouldn’t start a relationship if the timing isn’t right. But trying more than you think you’d be willing to do could cause them both a lot of pain.

Just let yourself go, enjoy, and most importantly, learn to love yourself.  Don’t live with the thought that you are capable of changing what another human being needs, wants, or simply your personal moment.

Learn to be sincere and honest with the other person and with yourself. The important thing is to give yourself and be involved with a person who is able to truly and completely love you.

The situation and the moment are the reasons why we feel lucky that we are living extraordinary and fulfilling relationships.

The moment is what makes you feel such gratitude for having met this person just as you did. 

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